Star Wars
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Welcome to Yajn's Website

Please note that this website was made for schools purposes only.

About Me

I am Yajn B. and a highschool student

This is my first html website!

I am passionate about coding, Star Wars, and playing videogames!

How to Navigate

Press the three bars to get to the list of sub-pages

1. overview

few pictures

youtbue videos!

The Website

This whole website is about Star Wars

The home page talks about the new jedi order

The Sub-pages are Kylo, Ashoka, Yoda, Thrawn

The New Jedi Order

The New Jedi Order was the restored and reformed Jedi Order, in the wake of the Great Jedi Purge and subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire. The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, son of the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Slow in developing, it existed for a number of years as a disparate group of Force-sensitives with various degrees of training. After a first attempt to train new Knights was thwarted by the Reborn Emperor, Luke Skywalker initiated the first formal training school for Jedi in decades—the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Starting with an initial group of twelve students, the Order slowly grew in numbers and stature, becoming a core part of the New Republic that sponsored it. This meant it was repeatedly targeted by enemies of the Republic, such as Imperial Admiral Natasi Daala, the Empire Reborn, and the Second Imperium. Members of the order were involved in many of the key conflicts in the galaxy during the prime of the New Republic, including the Nagai–Tof War, Operation Shadow Hand, the Black Fleet Crisis and the Corellian Crisis. This involvement culminated in the Jedi involvement in the Yuuzhan Vong War. Despite their commitment to defending the galaxy from this threat, the Order was vilified by the galaxy's citizens, and was betrayed on numerous occasions. Their involvement in the war cost nearly half the Order’s Knights. Out of this conflict, a more centralized Order was born. It would continue to grow and serve the galaxy for decades to come, until the Sith–Imperial War once again dispersed the Order and made its members fugitives. They subsequently returned to their place in the galaxy at the end of the Second Imperial Civil War.

The First Order

Jedi Order

The Jedi Order

Go to these Websites!

Screen Rant
Order 66
Order 37

Yoda vs. Sidious

Battle on Jedha